
KSurvey CAD Draw-Draw CAD Anywhere, Anytime


This week, we added CAD Draw function in KSurvey, to achieve:

1. Draw, Edit and Delete Point, Line, Square, Rectangle, Circle, Arc and Spine elements on different CAD layers.

2. Add Text Description of drawn CAD elements.

3. Acquire Intersection Point by drawing two lines.

4. Acquire Angle by drawing two lines.

5. Switch CAD background color between black and white.

6. Manage CAD layers, CAD Import, Edit, Save and Export.


Operation Video: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kolida_ksurvey-cad-draw-draw-cad-anywhere-anytime-activity-7140007847374852096-owKY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop